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*한미가대학 학술랭킹 [Canada/Korea/US Academic Universities 2020]

Dr. Chah 2021. 6. 21. 13:18


Canada/Korea/US Academic Universities 2020


2003년부터 중국 상하이 자이오통대학에서 시작한 세계대학 학술색인 또는 학술지수에 의한 세계명문대학랭킹이 최근 상하이랭킹으로 명칭변경되었습니다. 대규모의 연구중심 대학에 유리한 학술색인이기 때문에 미국 명문사립대학을 예외로한다면 거의 국공립대학 및 의대 등의 명단이 많이 포함되었다는 사실을 알수 있습니다.


     자연과학 등의 연구역량과 발표는 출신학교 동문 교수 등의 학술활동을 가리키며 영어학술발표와 업적평가를 지수화하기 때문에 실상 대학교수에 의한 대학랭킹이라할수 있습니다. 따라서 영어를 교수언어로 사용하지 않고 있는 캐나다 불어권대학이나 한국대학의 세계화지수 또는 세계학술명문대학으로서의 랭킹보다는 영어권대학 현황이해 자료로 활용될때 의미가 있을 수 있다고 하겠습니다.

     아래 표는 캐나다 한국 미국 학술지수에 의한 대학랭킹 전부를 정리한 내용입니다.


Academic University World Rankings [link]

Ivy League Colleges/Universities

Private Institutions/Universities

- Ivy League Colleges/Universities 아이비리그대학과 Private Institutions/Universities 사립대학은 국내외 구분 없이 모든 학생들에게 동일한 학비를 적용하며, Ivy League Colleges/Universities 아이비리그대학의 경우는 특히 성적장학금이 없고 가정형편에 따라 장학금을 지급합니다. State/Public Universities 주립 또는 공립대학은 외국유학생들에게 시민권자 및 영주권자 학비의 3-5배 정도를 더 책정 지불하도록 하고 있습니다.


Canada Korea United States
University of Toronto 23
University of British Columbia 38
McGill University 78
  Harvard University 1
Stanford University 2
University of California, Berkeley 5
Princeton University 6
Columbia University 7
University of Chicago 10
Yale University 11
Cornell University 12
University of California, Los Angeles 13
Johns Hopkins University 15
University of Washington 16
University of California, San Diego 18
University of Pennsylvania 19
University of California, San Francisco 21
University of Michigan-Ann Arbor 22
Washington University in St. Louis 23
Duke University 27
New York University 27
Northwestern University 30
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill 30
University of Wisconsin -Madison 32
University of Minnesota, Twin Cities 40
The University of Texas at Austin 41
Rockefeller University 43
University of Colorado at Boulder 44
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign 45
The University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center at Dallas 48
University for California, Santa Barbara 49
University of Maryland, College Park 53
University of Southern California 61
Vanderbilt University 62
The University of Texas M. D. Anderson Cancer Center 67
University of California, Irvine 69
McMaster University 98
University of Alberta 101-150
The University of Calgary 151-200
University of Montreal (French) 151-200
University of Ottawa 151-200
University of Waterloo 151-200
Seoul National University (Korean) 101-150
Purdue University-West Lafayette 79
University of Florida 88
Boston University 90
University of California, Davis 91
Carnegie Mellon University 95
University of Pittsburgh 96
Arizona State University 101-150
Brown University 101-150
Case Western Reserve University 101-150
Emory University 101-150
Georgia Institute of Technology 101-150
Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai 101-150
Indiana University Bloomington 101-150
Mayo Clinic Alix School of Medicine 101-150
Michigan State University 101-150
Pennsylvania State University-University Park 101-150
Rice University 101-150
Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey-New Brunswick 101-150
The Ohio State University-Columbus 101-150
University of Arizona 101-150
University of Utah 101-150
Baylor College of Medicine 151-200
Texas A&M University 151-200
Tufts University 151-200
University of California, Santa Cruz 151-200
University of Massachusetts Amherst 151-200
University of Massachusetts Medical School-Worcester 151-200
University of Missouri-Columbia 151-200
University of Rochester 151-200
University of Virginia 151-200
Dalhousie University 201-300
Queens University 201-300
Western University 201-300
Laval University (French) 301-400
Simon Fraser University 301-400
University of Guelph 301-400
University of Manitoba 301-400
University of Saskatchewan 301-400
University of Victoria 301-400
York University 401-500
Hanyang University (Korean) 201-300
KAIST 201-300
Korean University (Korean) 201-300
Sungkyunkwan University (Korean) 201-300
Yonsei University (Korean) 201-300
Kyung Hee University (Korean) 301-400
Kyungpook National University (Korean) 301-400
Pohang University of Science and Technology (Korean) 301-400
Pusan National University (Korean) 401-500
Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology (Korean) 401-500
Colorado State University 201-300
Dartmouth College 201-300
Florida State University 201-300
George Mason University 201-300
Georgetown University 201-300
Iowa State University 201-300
North Carolina State University-Raleigh 201-300
Northeastern University(Boston) 201-300
Oregon Health and Science University 201-300
Oregon State University 201-300
Stony Brook University 201-300
The University of Georgia 201-300
University of California, Riverside 201-300
University of Cincinnati 201-300
University of Colorado at Denver 201-300
University of Connecticut 201-300
University of Delaware 201-300
University of Houston 201-300
University of Illinois at Chicago 201-300
University of Iowa 201-300
University of Kansas 201-300
University of Maryland, Baltimore 201-300
University of Miami 201-300
University of Nebraska-Lincoln 201-300
University of South Florida 201-300
University of Tennessee-Knoxville 201-300
Virginia Commonwealth University 201-300
Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University 201-300
Yeshiva University 201-300
Brandeis University 301-400
Drexel University 301-400
Indiana University-Prudue University at Indianapolis 301-400
Louisiana State University-Baton Rouge 301-400
Medical University of South Carolina 301-400
Temple University 301-400
The George Washington University 301-400
The University of New Mexico-Albuquerque 301-400
The University of Texas at Dallas 301-400
The University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston 301-400
University at Buffalo, the State University of New York 301-400
University of Alabama at Birmingham 301-400
University of Central Florida 301-400
University of Hawaii at Manoa 301-400
University of Kentucky 301-400
University of Notre Dame 301-400
University of Oregon 301-400
University of South Carolina-Columbia 301-400
University of Vermont 301-400
Washington State University 301-400
Brigham Young University 401-500
CUNY Graduate School and University Center 401-500
Florida International University 401-500
Georgia State University 401-500
Kansas State University 401-500
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute 401-500
Saint Louis University 401-500
San Diego State University 401-500
Texas Tech University 401-500
The City College of New York 401-500
The University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio 401-500
The University of Texas Medical Branch at Galveston 401-500
University of California-Merced 401-500
University of Maine 401-500
University of North Texas 401-500
University of Oklahoma-Norman 401-500
Utah State University 401-500
Wake Forest University 401-500
West Virginia University 401-500
Carleton University 501-600
Concordia University 601-700
Memorial University of Newfoundland 601-700
University of Quebec Montreal (French) 601-700
University of Sherbrooke (French) 601-700
University of Regina 701-800
Ontario Tech University 801-900
Lakehead University 901-1000
Ryerson University 901-1000
Chonbuk National University (Korean) 501-600
Chonnam National University (Korean) 501-600
Ewha Womans University (Korean) 501-600
Sejong University (Korean) 501-600
University of Ulsan (Korean) 501-600
Yeungnam University (Korean) 501-600
Chung-Ang University (Korean) 601-700
Chungbuk National University (Korean) 601-700
INHA University (Korean) 601-700
Catholic University of Korea (Korean) 701-800
Chungnam National University (Korean) 701-800
Kangwon National University (Korean) 701-800
Konkuk University (Korean) 701-800
Ajou University (Korean) 801-900
Dongguk University (Korean) 801-900
Gachon University (Korean) 801-900
Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology (Korean) 801-900
Gyeongsang National University (Korean) 801-900
Hallym University (Korean) 801-900
Inje University (Korean) 901-1000
Sogang University (Korean) 901-1000
Auburn University 501-600
Baylor University 501-600
Binghamton University 501-600
Boston College 501-600
Clemson University 501-600
Kent State University 501-600
Loyola University Chicago 501-600
Mississippi State University 501-600
Northern Arizona University 501-600
Oklahoma State University 501-600
Rush University 501-600
Southern Methodist University 501-600
The University of Alabama-Tuscaloosa 501-600
Thomas Jefferson University 501-600
University at Albany (State University of New York) 501-600
University of Idaho 501-600
University of Nevada-Reno 501-600
University of New Hampshire 501-600
University of Wyoming 501-600
Wayne State University 501-600
Colorado School of Mines 601-700
CUNY Hunter College 601-700
Medical College of Wisconsin 601-700
Missouri University of Science and Technology 601-700
Ohio University 601-700
State University of New York Health Science Center at Brooklyn 601-700
Swarthmore College 601-700
Syracuse University 601-700
The University of Texas at Arlington 601-700
The University of Texas at San Antonio 601-700
Tulane University 601-700
University of Alaska-Fairbanks 601-700
University of Arkansas at Fayetteville 601-700
University of Louisville 601-700
University of Maryland, Baltimore County 601-700
University of Montana-Missoula 601-700
University of Nebraska Medical Center 601-700
University of Tennessee Health Science Center 601-700
University of Texas at El Paso 601-700
University of Toledo 601-700
University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee 601-700
Lehigh University 701-800
Michigan Technological University 701-800
Old Dominion University 701-800
SUNY Upstate Medical University 701-800
University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences 701-800
University of Missiouri-Kansas City 701-800
Amherst College 801-900
Boise State University 801-900
Florida Atlantic University 801-900
Haverford College 801-900
Montana State University-Bozeman 801-900
Portland State University 801-900
Rutgers University-Newark 801-900
South Dakota State University 801-900
University of Rhode Island 801-900
Augusta University 901-1000
City University of New York-Baruch College 901-1000
College of William and Mary 901-1000
East Carolina University 901-1000
Howard University 901-1000
New Jersey Institute of Technology 901-1000
Stevens Institute of Technology 901-1000
The University of Akron 901-1000
University of Arkansas at Little Rock 901-1000
University of Denver 901-1000
University of Massachusetts Boston 901-1000
University of Massachusetts Lowell 901-1000
University of North Carolina at Charlotte 901-1000
University of North Carolina at Greensboro 901-1000
Williams College 901-1000
Worcester Polytechnic Institute 901-1000