
iM English Prep - Visualizing English Education!

영어권교육문화시각화 자세히보기


2018/19학년도 7학년 학력평가시험문제 W (캐나다 비씨주)

Dr. Chah 2019. 1. 6. 16:49

최신 샘플 정보를 원하시는 분은 이곳클릭하십시요.


캐나다 비씨주 2018/19학년도 7학년 학력평가시험문제 (W)

Foundation Skills Assessment 2018/19 (Province of British Columbia)




Writing Topic


Life Changes
Write about one thing you would change in your life, your environment or the world. Explain why it would improve your life or the lives of others.





Planning Page

Life Changes


My goal: Write about one thing you would change in your life, your environment or the world.Audience: Teachers and peers.

One thing I would change:
Why the change would improve my life or the lives of others:

This page will not be marked.










Written Work


Write about one thing you would change in your life, your environment or the world. Explain why it would improve your life or the lives of others.