미국유학을 염두에 두고 있거나 현재 미국유학을 위해 출발선상에 있는 분들에게 유용한 실질적 기숙사 살림장만 비용에 대한 정보를 정리해 본다.
미국 칼리지보드에서 권장하고 있는 기숙사용품은 100여가지가 넘는다. 이중 꼭 필요한 것은 유학생 각자의 상황이나 처지에 따라 달라질 수 있겠스나, 대개의 경우를 기준으로 말하자면 2009년 현재시세로 4000불이상의 미국달러 (US$4,000)가 소요되는 것으로 추산되고 있다. 이에 대한 Off-to-College Checklist를 몇 가지 캐리고리 (Categories)로 나누어 소개한다.
Plastic bowl and cup, coffee cup, fork, knife, spoon, can/bottle opener, chip clips 등
[취침 옷장용품]
Bedside lamp, alarm clock/clock radio, wastepaper basket, milk crates (sturdy storage cubes), stacking baskets, under-the-bed storage trays, lots of hangers, desk lamp, fan, drying rack, adhesive hooks (tacky adhesive, mounting tape), bulletin board (push pins), dry erase wall calendar/board, toolkit 등
Computer and printer, phone cord/ethernet cord (for computer), headphones, surge protector, extension cords, 3-2 prong adapters, phone, portable CD or cassette player 등
Sheets and pillowcases, towels, pillows, headrest pillow, mattress pad, blankets, comforter and duvet cover, clothes hangers, laundry bag/basket, laundry marking pen, laundry stain remover, roll(s) of quarters, quarter dispenser, lint brush, sweing kit 등
Pepto-bismol, imodium, aspirin or ibuprofen, vitamin c, neosporin, band-aid bandages, cough drops, shower tote, shampoo and conditioner, hair-styling products, bath and face soap, traveling-soap container(s), toothpaste and toothbrush, dental floss, comb/brush, tweezers, nail clippers, hair dryer, razor and shaving cream, lotion and/or facial moisturizer, q-tips 등
CD-roms/memory sticks, phone/address book, assignment book, heavy-duty stapler and staples, printer paper, pens and pencils, pencil holder and sharpener, notebooks, pocket folders, labels of various sizes, 3 x 5 cards, post-it notes, paper clips, rubber bands, scissors, highlighter pens (multiple colors), ruler, stackable desk trays, hanging files or folders, dictionary and thesaurus, stamps/envelopes 등
Paper towels, trash bags, lightbulbs, all-purpose cleaner, ziploc bags, kitchen storage containers, laundry detergent, fabric softener, dish soap, wet wipes, tissues 등
21 pairs of underwear, 21 pairs of socks, 7 pairs of pants/jeans, 14 shirts/blouses, 2 sets of sweats, pajamas, slippers and/or flip-flops, 2 sweaters, light/heavy jackets, gloves/scarf/hat, 1 pair of boots, 2 pairs of sneakers or comfortable/walking shoes, 1 pair of dress shoes, 1 set of business attire, 1 set of semi-formal attire 등
Audio equipment, TV and VCR/DVD player, coffee maker/hot pot, microwave/toaster oven, small refrigerator, area rug, camera, posters/art 등
* 위의 물품중 전자제품, 학용품, 공동생활시설물 등은 스테이플즈 등에서 구입하면 믿을만하고 저렴하게 구입할 수 있스며, 취사용품과 취침옷장용품, 세탁용품, 세면도구류, 의류, 주거편의용품 등은 각종 대형매장과 달러스토어 등에가면 매우 편리하고 저렴하게 구할 수 있다.
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