Uruguay Round 우루과이라운드가 발효되어 Glovalization 세계화가 시작된 1995년 이후, 전세계 대학교수임용은 대학교 과소속 현직교수님들의 세계적 경쟁력에 따라 교수직 지위를 지킬수 있느냐 잃게 되느냐 하는 학과존폐의 문제와 직결되게 되었습니다. 이런 의미로 대학교수임용평가에 대한 현직 학과교수님들의 가장 큰 관심사는 영어권 전공학술지와 현재 영어권 명문대학 전공학과 유행전공분야 학과목을 교수할 수 있는 역량을 갖춘 신임교수를 찾는 일이 되었습니다.
현재 영어권대학 재학중인 학사 [석사 또는 박사]과정생으로서 대학교수임용을 준비하는 입장이라면, 한국을 포함한 전 세계대학 교수임용에 결정적인 평가요소인 (1)영어권 박사학위 (2)북미영어권대학 (3)세계명문대학랭킹 (4)현재적 학술유행 연구분야를 참고하여 자신의 박사학위논문을 작성하거나 관련학과목을 수강하도록 해야합니다. 자신의 학술능력과 현재적 시장가치 또는 교수임용적합성을 높이기 위해서는 현재 북미 영어권 명문대학의 전공학과 홈페이지를 통해 공지되는 Teaching Assistant Courses 강의조교신청교과목들을 매년 참고하는 일이 중요합니다.
2024년 7월 5일 현재 북미 동부지역 영어권 명문대학 중 미국 Harvard University Department of English 하바드대학 영어과의 Areas of Study 연구분야들과 Teaching Fellow Courses 강의조교교과목록 그리고 캐나다 University of Toronto Department of English 토론토대학 영어과의 Research Areas 연구분야들과 Teaching Assistant Postings 강의조교채용공지들을 정리 소개합니다. TA or Teaching Fellows 강의조교 채용관련 공지는 매년 7월초에 학과 홈페이지를 통해 되고 있는 듯 하고, 짧은 공지기간이 지나면 관련 정보 페이지는 볼 수 없습니다.
Harvard University Department of English |
University of Toronto Deaprtment of English |
Areas of Study Unspecified Medieval Renaissance/Early Modern 18th Century/Enlightenment 19th Century British 20th Century American Criticism and Theory The English Language Transnational Anglophone/Postcolonial African American Literature Drama Poetry |
Research Areas African American Literature African Canadian Literature African Literature in English American Literature Asian Canadian Literature Canadian Literature Caribbean Literature in English Early Medieval Literature Late Medieval Literature Early Modern Literature Indigenous Literature Restoration and Eighteenth-Centuray Literature Romantic and Victorian Literature South Asian Literature in English Twentieth-Century and Contemporary Literature Book History Creative Writing [MA only] Critical Race Studies Diasporic, Postcolonial, and Transnational Literature Digital Literature and New Media Studies Disability Studies Drama/Theatre History Environmental Humanities Gender and Sexuality Studies Language and Literature/History of the English Language Literary and Critical Theory Jewish Studies Law and Literature The Novel Poetry and Poetics Science, Health, and Technology Studies |
Teaching Fellows Listing of Tentative 2024-25 Courses for 2023-24 TF Application Process Fall 2024 English 10. Literature Today English 20 001. Literary Forms English 20 002. Literary Forms English 97. Literary Methods English 102m. Introduction to Old English: Charms, Herbals, Folk Medicine, Miracle Cures English 121s. Shakespeare from Beginning to End English 145a.Jane Austen's Fiction and Fans English 151an. The Age of the Novel English 178n. The American Novel Since 1900 English 180aw. American Women Writers English 187nd. Indigenous Literatures of the Other-than-Human English 187r. Thinking Through Writing: Science Themes English 191rw. Reading for Fiction Writers English 199ad. Adaptation: The Art of Retelling Other Courses Taught by the English Department- Fall HUMAN 10a.A Humanities Colloquium: From Homer to Morrison Spring 2025 English 20. Literary Forms English 97. Literary Methods English 97. Literary Methods English 103g. Advanced Old English: Scribes and Manuscripts English 110ff. Medieval Fanfiction English 131p. Milton's Paradise Lost English 141. When Novels Were New English 157. The Classic Phase of the Novel English 172ad. American Democracy English 182ca. Literature Under Captitalism English 185e. The Essay: History and Practice English 185rj. Race and Jurisprudence English 197ls. Introduction to Indigenous Literarary Studies: Poetry, Prose, and Politics GenEd- Spring GenEd 1050. Act Natural GenEd 1133. Is the U.S. Civil War Still Being Fought? GenEd 1183. The English Language Today, Yesterday, and Tomorrow GenEd 1186. The Age of Anxiety: Histories, Theories, Remedies Other Courses Taught by the English Department- Spring HUMAN 10b. A Humanities Colloquium: From Joyce to Homer [상세한 설명과 내용이 포함된 목록은 아래 첨부파일 english_course_descriptions_2024-25_for_web_page_4.pdf를 참고바랍니다.] |
Teaching Assistants CUPE 3902 Unit 1 Teaching Assistant: Current Postings 2024-2025 Fall/Winter Term [St. George (downtown Toronto) Campus] ENG100H1S - Effective Writing ENG415H1F - Literature &the Sciences ENG215H1S - Canadian Short Story ENG220H1F - Introduction to Shakespeare ENG220H1S - Introduction to Shakespeare ENG234H1S - Children's Literature ENG235H1F - The Graphic Novel ENG237H1S - Science Fiction ENG239H1S - Fantasy & Horror ENG252H1F - Introduction to Canadian Literature ENG252H1S - Introduction to Canadian Literature ENG252H1S - Introduction to Canadian Literature ENG286H1F - Literature & Data ENG287H1S - The Digital Text ENG289H1F - Introduction to Creative Writing ENG289H1S - Introduction to Creative Writing ENG379H1F - Modern American Literature,1900-1950 [Mississauga (west of Toronto) Campus] ENG100H5S - Effective Writing ENG101H5F - How to Read Critically ENG105H5S - Introduction to WorldLiteratures ENG110H5F - Narrative ENG202H5F - British Literature in the World I: Medieval to 18th Century ENG203H5S - British Literature in the Wold II: Romantic to Contemporary ENG234H5S - Children's Literature ENG235H5S - Comics & the Graphic Novel ENG237H5S - Science Fiction ENG239H5F - Horror Literature ENG263H5S - Play & Games ENG280H5S - Critical Approaches to Literature ENG289H5S - Creative Writing [Scarborough (east of Toronto) Campus] ENGA01H3F - What is Literature? ENGA01H3F - What is Literature? ENGB35H3F - Children's Literature ENGB28H3S - Charting Literary History II [상세한 설명과 내용이 포함된 목록은 이곳 링크 속 각 교과목 링크를 들어가 참고바랍니다.] |
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