An English title is a work of art in English. 하나의 영어 제목은 영어로 된 하나의 예술작품입니다 [= 예술작품에 해당합니다]. An English sentence is a literary work in the English language. 영어 문장은 영어문학 작품입니다 [= 영어문학 작품에 해당합니다]. 그 근본적인 차이점은 Sentence Structures 문장구조에 대한 필자의 "English Writing Workshop G4 Source 1"을 참고 바랍니다.
Toronto Transit Commission 토론토트랜짓커미션 토론토교통공사 Subway doors 지하철출입문과 주변에 붙여져 있는 English art works and sentences 영어 예술작품과 문장들입니다.
(1)English works of art vs. English sentences 책의 제목을 포함한 비문장 영어표기법과 영어 문장표기법에 기초하여 위 내용을 살펴보고, (2)Oral English sentences vs. academic English sentences 일상적인 영어문장과 학술적인 영어문장의 차이점을 유의하여 모든 문장을 학술적인 것들로 다시 작성해 봅니다. Oral English sentences vs. academic English sentences 일상영어문법과 학술영어문법은 필자의 "Speak & Write English K-G4"내용중 English Speaking [English Speaking Grammar]와 English Writing [English Writing Grammar]을 참고바랍니다.
Titles [English Works of Art] | Sentences [Oral English Sentences] |
Emergency Evacuation Wait for Ramp to Open Walk Down Ramp Walk Between Tracks Break Cover Pull Handle Open Doors |
Remain calm. Listen and watch for one of the following emerency exit insturctions: End Door Emergency Exit: When directed, go to end of train. Open end doors and exit down the ramp. Stay in the middle of the track. Do not touch rail or equipment. Watch your step. Side Door Emergency Exit: When directed, exit side doors on the platform/walkway side only. Break overhead protective cover above doorway and pull handle. Push open doors and exit. |
Oral English sentences = Academic English sentences
Remain calm. = [You] remain calm.
Listen and watch for one of the following emergency exit instructions: = [You] listen and watch for one of the following emergency exit instuctions:
End Door Emergency Exit. = [You go to the] End Door Emergency Exit:
When directed, go to end of train. = When [you are] directed, [you] go to [the] end of train.
Open end doors and exit down the ramp. = [You go to the] open end doors and exit down the ramp.
Stay in the middle of the track. = [You] stay in the middle of the track.
Do not touch rail or equipment. = [You] do not touch rail or equipment.
Watch your step. = [You] watch your step.
Side Door Emergency Exit: = [You go to the] Side Door Emergency Exit:
When directed, exit side doors on the platform/wakway side only. = When [you are] directed, [you] exit side doors only.
Break overhead protective cover above doorway and pull handle. = [You] break overhead protective cover above doorway and pull handle.
Push open doors and exit. = [You] push open doors and exit.
Titles [English Works of Art] | Sentences [Academic English Sentences] |
Do Not Lean On Doors Do Not Block Doorway Do Not Hold Doors Mind the Gap When Exiting Camera This area is being Video Recorded for Safety & Security Purposes |
The personal information collected by the use of the video equipment at this location is collected under the authority of the City of Toronto Act, 2006, and the Occupiers' Liability Act. *다음은 오탈자 정정과정이 미진했던 흔적이 있는 문장으로서, questions는 question으로 정정되어야 하고 문장끝에는 마침표가 첨부되어야 합니다. Any [question] about this collection can be directed to the Co-ordinator, Freedom of Information/Records Management, at 416-393-4000 / 1900 Yonge Street, Toronto, ON, M4S 1Z2 /[.] |
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