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미국국적 여성으로 현재 미국 이외의 지역에 체류 또는 거주하고 있는 경우, 미국징병대상이 되지 않기를 원한다면 만 26세까지는 해외에서 거주한 후 27세부터 미국에 거주하도록 해야만 한다는 말씀입니다.
Mandatory Draft of Males and Females Ages 18-26
The NAACP is opposed to any form of mandatory military draft until studies have been completed showing it will not disproportionately affect poor African-Americans and other minority youth.
Women Should Have to Register for Military Draft, Too, Commission Tells Congress (Published 2020)
A commission appointed by Congress will recommend that expanding selective service registration to women is a “necessary and fair step.”
Conscription in the United States - Wikipedia
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia History of mandatory military service in the United States Young men registering for conscription during World War I in New York City, on June 5, 1917 In the United States, military conscription, commonly known as the
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