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영어권학사출신 영어교사 연봉/월급 정보 2019년

Dr. Chah 2019. 11. 7. 05:10

Best English Teacher Salaries 2019


World Bank & Business Insider 세계은행과 비즈니스인사이더의 공개 정보에 의하면, English-Speaking Bachelor Teacher 영어권 학사출신 영어교사의 2018년도 미국 평균 연봉은 US$43,557이었고, 해외지역에 진출한 원어민영어교사 또는 영어권학사출신 영어교사의 평균 연봉이 미국보다 높은 지역은 (1)Luxembourg 룩셈부륵 US$79,129, (2)Switzerland 스위스 US$69,705, (3)Germany 독일 US$61,418. (4)Norway 노르웨이 US$47,313, (5)Denmark 덴마크 US$46,784 등 이었다고 합니다.


     최근 영어권원어민교사 또는 영어권학사출신 영어교사를 모집한 홍콩공립학교의 2019년 8월 채용공지 상세내용 중 일부를 소개합니다.


Hong Kong, Hong Kong

Primary English Teacher

Start August 2019

US$3,600 - 7,400 a month

Contract Length: 2 Years

Number of Vacancies: 50


Student Level: Early Childhood, Elementary, Middle School


Eligible Candidates: Licensed Teacher, ESL Instructor


Requirements: Education Required - Bachelor

Teaching license preferred, Bachelor‘s degree, TEFL/TESL certificate must have in-person teaching component


Job Benefits:

Start Date: August 2019, Location: Across Hong Kong, Student Level: Elementary Schools, Working Hours: Primary Whole Day School 07:30-13:00, Primary Bi-Sessional AM School 13:30-18:30 Primary Bi-Sessional PM School, Airfare: Roundtrip airfare included (reimbursed upon arrival), Medical Insurance: Allowance for Family Health Care, Additional Benefits: Bonus Pay, Retention Bonus, Cash Advances on Salary Luggage Allowance, Medical Allowance, Family Air Ticket




Across Hong King, Hong Kong

Secondary English Teacher

US$3,800 - 8,900 a month

Start August 2019

Contract Length: 2 Years

Number of Vacancies: 50


Student Level: Middle School, High School


Eligible Candidates: Licensed Teacher, ESL Instructor


Requirements: Education Required - Bachelor

Minimum Teaching Experience: 1 year of teaching experience, Major: English, Teaching license preferred, Bachelor’s degree, TEFL/TESL certificate must have in-person teaching component, one year of English teaching experience at secondary (high-school) level


Job Benefits:

Start Date: August 2019, Location: Across Hong Kong, Student Level: Secondary Schools, Working Hours: 08:00-17:00 Secondary School, Vacation: National holidays, summer vacation (flexible, determined by school), Medical Insurance: Allowance for Family Health Care, Additional Benefits: Bonus Pay, Retention Bonus, Cash Advances on Salary Luggage Allowance, Medical Allowance, Family Air Ticket.